Monday, November 7, 2011

Confessions of A Murderer, Chapter One

 “Get down! Get down!” the man shouted to me. I know that this is no laughing matter; I’m in for a fight of my life. Just yesterday I wished how that I could be in the arms of my wife, to be with my precious baby girl but then duty calls. Life as a soldier is not even close to comfort, knowing that you may get called to the frontline anytime the country needs you. Some even say that you get the license to kill when joining the army. You did not know how hard is it to take a live. I still remembered the first kill I obtained, how it felt like when the monstrous .338 Lapua Magnum when trough the Fatal ‘T’. How I shuddered and dumbstruck when the enemy fell down after a single shot. I remembered what my scout says to me, ‘don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.’ It is easy to say when you’re not the only one who pulled the trigger, knowing that a son has lost his father today, a mom just lost her son. I’m a murderer. No matter how hard I tried to deny it, I still am one, a murderer.
Life in the front line never was a luxurious one. You’ll know just one miscalculated step might cost you your life or even worse, the whole platoon. I knew this reality, I’ve faced it once. Just helplessly watched as my fellow mates get pinned down by the .50 Cal Browning machine gun. Just watch and not be able to do anything, you’ll start to wonder how puny you are to the vicious cycle of life. Some live and some ended up dead. That’s war. This is no playground, no video games where you’ll get to ‘restore at last checkpoint.’ Once you’re dead that’s it. Game Over. People around me died every day, you’ll get used to it. You’ll no longer shed any tears of remorse, you’ll basically get used to it. That’s how fucked up a war is.
‘Stop dreaming Roach! You’re up next!’ That shout brought me back to reality. The other sniper’s wounded, unable to perform well, he is not operational. I went to the edge of the rooftop, placed my Barrett .50 Cal and adjusted its scope. The Bravo platoon is pinned down and we were called to give sniper support for them. We were both outnumbered and outgunned. Bravo doing all their best to push through the market but the resistance was huge. One hour elapsed; they only manage to push through the middle of the market. The battle rages on and I picked off one after another insurgent. Not being able to completely drive them back. But my support seems to be valuable to the boys of Bravo. They managed to get some breathing space and be able to combat effectively. My shoulder grew numb from all the shooting. That’s the problem with the Semi-Auto guns, the recoil is just too massive. That’s why I always stick to the Bolt-Action ones. The perfect balance between power and composure. My kill count racked up to 20 kills. The resistance seems to be getting weaker and not long after that they completely withdraw. A battle have been won, but not for me. I know tomorrow’s gonna be a long day. They will come back will all that they got to avenge their fallen brothers. And the killing needs to go on, that’s basically the job of a murderer, kill people. And I’m one of them. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. This is not how I wanted it to turn out.

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