Wednesday, April 25, 2012

That feeling when...

do you know that feeling when..

everything doesnt seemed right.
everything and everyone is against you.
the world is crushing you.
everything seemed so distant.

I am well accustomed to those feelings. I've been down this road again and again. Everything that I've done. I do it for you. I worked my ass off to win the Battle of the Bands and worked even harder in the futsal tournament, just to make sure that you'll notice me, finally. But, still no recognition. What else do you want? I'm all out off cards now. There's no more tricks up my sleeve. What can I do now so that I can replace him ? Please or please, I just want you to notice me. Give me a chance. Why would you let yourself get hurt again and again? God, sometimes I think that you're just too blind to see what's in front of you. I may seemed happy but I'm not, not even a slightest glimmer of happiness exist in my heart. To be frank, I don't know what else kept me going nowadays. Maybe it's just the illusion that maybe someday somewhere deep inside you, I can be the very reason of your every smile. I don't always care about someone but when I do, I cared too damn much about them. I wanted you, no other. I need you, no one else. People can tell me to move on and I can tell them to just fuck off. They don't feel what i feel. They don't know what I know. How can you just gave up on someone that you hold on to? You must be mad to just give up on them too easily. That's what is wrong in our society nowadays. People gave up too damn easily. Call me old-fashioned but I take relationships seriously. I want to maybe someday able to tell you how much I loved you and after all this time, the feeling will always remain the same. You can't pull the "hope less, hurt less" crap on me. You can't take away the very reason why I am still here waiting for you. You can take away my pride, my ego but never my hope.

Hear me out my little Rosie, I love you, and nothing will change it, not even him or anyone else and nothing you can do about it.

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